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Target Recalls Phone Chargers After Reports of Spontaneous Ignition

 Posted on June 04, 2019 in Product Liability

Rockford product liability attorneyWhen a product is thought to be unsafe or numerous reports are made regarding injuries sustained from a product, that product is sometimes recalled. Individuals who own recalled products are encouraged to immediately stop using the product and return it to the store they bought it from. According to Consumer Reports, an astounding 34 million products were recalled last year alone. Recalled products can include anything from faulty automobile parts to unsafe children’s’ toys. Individuals who are injured by a defective or malfunctioning product may choose to seek compensation for their injuries through a product liability claim.

Some Target Brand iPhone Chargers May Pose a Risk to Users

Electronic products like appliances, computers, smartphones, and electrical cords can be especially dangerous when they are defective. In 2016, consumers were horrified to learn of reports that Samsung Galaxy Note 7 cell phones were bursting into flames. Samsung recalled an astounding 1 million phones after learning about the dangerous risk of ignition. They provided consumers with refunds and exchanges, but it was not enough to fully solve the problem. Consumers reported that the replacement phones also caught fire, so Samsung had to recall those as well. We now know that the spontaneous ignition problem was caused by a design failure in the original Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and a manufacturing defect in the replacement phones.

Now, another product is being recalled after reports of spontaneous smoking and ignition. Target was forced to recall their “Heyday” brand iPhone chargers after 14 reports were filed about chargers which sparked, caught on fire, or began smoking. Anyone with this brand of charger is asked to cease use of the device and return it to Target for a refund. Some people have sustained burns to their fingers after using the product, but fortunately there have not been any serious injuries or deaths associated with this particular faulty product.

Getting Compensation for Injuries and Deaths Caused by Defective Products

Sadly, people have been seriously injured and even killed by defective products in the past. Defects in the way a product is designed, manufactured, or sold can lead to dangerous malfunctions which put consumers at risk. Through a product liability lawsuit, individuals who have been injured by a faulty product can seek compensation for things like medical bills, lost wages due to missed work, and more. If you have been injured or have lost a loved one in an incident involving a defective product, a qualified product liability attorney can help you understand your options for compensation.

Contact a Winnebago County Product Liability Attorney

To learn more about product liability claims, contact an experienced Rockford defective products lawyer At Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today by calling 815-215-7561.




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