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Slip and Fall Accidents Among Leading Causes of Workplace Injuries

 Posted on October 22, 2021 in Premises Liability

rockford workplace accident lawyerWhen most people imagine themselves experiencing a slip, trip, or fall at work, they likely envision an embarrassing moment in front of co-workers, resulting in injuries that may require an ice pack or bandage. Unfortunately, some slip and fall accidents can be much more serious. While it is not entirely uncommon to experience a minor slip, trip, or fall on the job, severe accidents may lead to significant injuries, long durations of time away from work, and considerable medical expenses. 

Employees who suffer a serious workplace accident may find it helpful to seek legal guidance from an experienced personal injury attorney.

Common Situations that Lead to On-The-Job Slip and Fall Accidents

Construction workers are the most susceptible employees to face dangerous, even fatal falls. However, even workers who spend most of their workday in a cubicle or other office space can experience a serious slip and fall accident. 

Slip, trips, and falls typically belong to one of four categories:

  • A worker slips and/or trips, however the worker is able to prevent themselves from falling.

  • A worker trips, slips, falls while sitting, and falls onto or against an object on the same level.

  • A worker falls onto a lower level due to a collapsed structure, a fall through a surface, a fall from a ladder, roof, or other structure.

  • A worker jumps to a lower level voluntarily.

While these accidents may be completely unforeseen by the injured employee, almost all of these accidents are preventable by the employer or property owner. One of the most common causes of workers’ compensation claims that involve injury is slippery floors. Many other situations may result in a slip and fall accident, including environmental hazards like:

  • Uneven, torn, and cracked surfaces including carpet and stairs

  • Inadequate lighting

  • Non-existent or insufficient warning signs

  • No handrails in stairways

  • Cords, wires, and cables stretched across the floor

Because employers and the company’s property managers are responsible for upholding proper housekeeping, maintaining adequate lighting, addressing and rectifying slick surfaces, and removing obstacles, accidents of this nature are typically covered by workers’ compensation. 

Contact Our Winnebago County Workplace Injury Attorneys

Any employee who is seriously injured on the job deserves to be compensated for the damages they suffered. However, depending on the specific circumstances of the accident, there may be different legal options available for a victim to pursue compensation. At Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, our Rockford workplace accident attorneys know the Illinois workers’ compensation process and are adept at handling personal injury claims. If you need an aggressive advocate for your workplace injury claim, contact our office today to schedule a free consultation by calling 815-215-7561.



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