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7 Warning Signs of Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse

 Posted on March 19, 2021 in Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse

Rockford personal injury attorneysNursing homes and other long-term care facilities should be staffed with competent, compassionate employees. The facility should be reasonably safe and sanitary. Residents’ medical and personal needs should be attended to promptly and adequately. Unfortunately, many nursing homes do not meet these expectations. Issues like understaffing or poor staff training lead to resident neglect or even intentional abuse. If your loved one is living in a nursing home, it is important to be watchful for signs of neglect or abuse.

Red Flags of Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse

Knowing if your loved one is being mistreated in a nursing home is especially difficult if your loved one suffers from physical or mental impairments that limit his or her ability to communicate with you. In cases such as these, you must look for evidence such as:

  • Unexplained injuries – Cuts, bruises, welts, or other injuries are not always signs of resident neglect or abuse. However, if your loved one has injuries that staff cannot explain or is frequently getting hurt, this may be a sign that your loved one is not being properly cared for. In some cases, injuries are even signs of intentional physical abuse.  
  • Fear of being alone with staff – Residents should see nursing home staff as loving caretakers. If your loved one is afraid to be alone with staff or flinches when staff members come near, this can be a major red flag.
  • Medication mistakes – Your loved one should be getting his or her medications on time and in the correct dosage. Do not hesitate to speak up if your loved one is not receiving his or her medications.
  • Signs of physical or chemical restraint – Physical restraining a resident through ties, lap belts, or other means is only acceptable in very limited circumstances. Medication such as antipsychotic drugs should not be used as a means of chemical restraint. Residents should only receive the medications that they actually require.
  • Odd staff behavior – If staff refuse to talk to you, rush out of the room when you walk in, or exhibit other odd behaviors, this may be a sign that they have mistreated your loved one.
  • Unsanitary conditions –If you see trash, feces, or urine, unsanitary kitchen practices, signs of insect or animal infestation, or other unsanitary conditions, this may be a sign that the facility does not take residents’ health seriously.
  • Inadequate resident hygiene – Your loved one deserves to be treated with dignity. This includes being bathed regularly and having his or her adult diaper changed when needed. Residents should not be forced to tolerate soiled clothing or bed sheets.

Contact a Winnebago County Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Lawyer

At Mannarino & Brasfield, A Division of Schwartz Jambois, our Rockford nursing home injury attorneys stand up for the rights of nursing home residents and their families. If your loved one was the victim of nursing home neglect or abuse, we can help you hold the nursing home accountable and pursue financial recovery. Call 815-215-7561 for a free consultation.



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